Sometime's the Lord said "Yes"Sometimes He says "No"And sometimes He just needs us to wait.
In our service in the Lord’s Church we should remember that when is just as important as who, what, where, and how.
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
It is so hard when sincere prayer about something we desire very much is not answered the way we want. It is especially difficult when the Lord answers no to that which is worthy and would give us great joy and happiness. Whether it be overcoming illness or loneliness, recovery of a wayward child, coping with a handicap, or seeking continuing life for a dear one who is slipping away, it seems so reasonable and so consistent with our happiness to have a favorable answer. It is hard to understand why our exercise of deep and sincere faith from an obedient life does not bring the desired result.
"To exercise faith is to trust that the Lord knows what He is doing with you and that He can accomplish it for your eternal good, even though you cannot understand how He can possibly do it."
1 Nephi 17:
And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.
No one wants adversity. Trials, disappointments, sadness, and heartache come to us from two basically different sources. Those who transgress the laws of God will always have those challenges. The other reason for adversity is to accomplish the Lord’s own purposes in our life that we may receive the refinement that comes from testing. It is vitally important for each of us to identify from which of these two sources come our trials and challenges, for the corrective action is very different.
It is important to seek to understand why we have certain trials in our lives.
First, are these challenges coming because of sin?
Repentance brings a peace that surpasses all understanding. In saying that though, just because a person repents does not necessarily mean that all the challenges they are facing will go away. True repentance, however, will allow the person to feel the Saviour's love more consistently, with a greater measure of comfort and strength to face those challenges.
Second, are our challenges the Lord's "refining" process?
If this is the case, we might take comfort in the Lord's words to Joseph Smith when He says "all these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good." Without running faster than we have strength, serving others who are going through this process can be healing for us too.
It is not enough that we are going in the right direction. The timing must be right, and if the time is not right, our actions should be adjusted to the Lord’s timetable as revealed by His servants.
"While faith is not a perfect knowledge, it brings a deep trust in God, whose knowledge is perfect"
"The issue for us is trusting God enough to trust also His timing. If we can truly believe He has our welfare at heart, may we not let His plans unfold as He thinks best?"
To recognize the hand of the Lord in your life and to accept His will without complaint is a beginning. That decision does not immediately eliminate the struggles that will come for your growth. But I witness that it is the best way there is for you to find strength and understanding. It will free you from the dead ends of your own reasoning. It will allow your life to become a productive, meaningful experience, when otherwise you may not know how to go on.
“The issue for us is trusting God enough to trust also His timing. If we can truly believe He has our welfare at heart, may we not let His plans unfold as He thinks best? The same is true with the second coming and with all those matters wherein our faith needs to include faith in the Lord’s timing for us personally, not just in His overall plans and purposes.”
..."Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.' (Isaiah 40:31)
"Trust in the Lord", Richard G Scott
"Lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds" Neil A Maxwell
"Timing" Elder Dallin H Oaks